WordPress Theme: zDark

» 2009-10-13 119条评论

zDark 是我的第5款主题,包括此主题已经有3个已提交给Wordpres,没有精品只能泛滥了,哈。

zDark 是款黑色调主题,反正就是很黑。整个主题没有使用一个图片,是纯 css 打造,所以就没有华丽的身体啊、衣服啊啥的,反正即使给它穿衣也不咋地--没设计头脑。

这次提交给 WP 主题目录遇到变态的审核人员,有一同样的代码竟然过不了关,加上我的超级烂英语的理解错误导致提交 n 次,相当郁闷 + 坚持(其实是赌气)。

Theme Name: zDark
Theme URI: https://zww.me/archives/24668
Current version: 0.8.5(2010.6.9 Update
Author: zwwooooo
Author URI: https://zww.me
Tags: dark, black, fixed-width, two-columns, right-sidebar


zDark 主题同样不依赖任何插件,里面内置了些插件函数,简单说明一下:

  1. 首页默认显示的是文章全文,如果要显示摘要要自行打开index.php把"the_content()"修改为"the_excerpt()",中文博客需要完美显示摘要建议安装这两个插件的其中一个:wp-utf8-excerpt 或者 中文工具箱,我比较喜欢用前一种。
  2. 建议使用的插件(相关代码已写好,直接启用这些插件就可以了):WP-PostViewsCustom SmiliesSimple Tags
  3. 使用的是 WordPress 原生嵌套评论,请使用 WordPress 2.7 以上版本,最好 2.8。




zDark 0.8.5(2010.6.9)


zDark 0.8.4(2009.10.16)

修正一个日期显示错误 bug,虽然是小 bug,但问题很严重,日期中号数显示的是时间,粗心大意啊 - -
下载地址同上(通常 WordPress.org 会更新慢点)

zDark 0.8.3(2009.10.8)

提交给 WordPress.org 并通过审核!


“WordPress Theme: zDark”有119条评论

    1. zwwooooo says:

      @Kars 速度真快,去围观了一下,基本一模一样了,厉害,哈

    2. Kars says:

      @zwwooooo 过奖过奖 ~ 我只是移植 罢了 哈~

  1. [...] ADICIONAIS - Nome do Tema: zDark (versão 0.8.4) - URL: ZWW - Tradução: Celso [...]

  2. xiao3 says:

    我想问下!要是我想回复子评论!却没有找到回复按钮啊! :!:

    1. zwwooooo says:

      @xiao3 要开嵌套

  3. xiao3 says:

    我用你的这个zDark主题,我设置的是嵌套2层评论!问下怎么弄成jinwen 那样的两层嵌套回复?

    1. zwwooooo says:

      @xiao3 这个要 jQ 代码,Jinwen 写过此功能文章,去 Jinwen 那看看吧

  4. xiao3 says:


    1. zwwooooo says:

      @xiao3 我已经在你博客回复你了

  5. xiao3 says:


  6. [...] Theme Homepage » Bookmark It Hide Sites Leave a comment | Trackback Jun 7th, 2010 | Posted in Two columns Tags: dark theme, wordpress, zDark Dark theme for wordpress: DarkMysteryDark theme for wordpress: Pyrmont V2Dark theme for wordpress: StoplightDark theme for wordpress: Urban ViewDark theme for wordpress: ShineDark theme for wordpress: Dark TemptationDark theme for wordpress: ClockworkDark theme for wordpress: Pretty SpotsDark theme for wordpress: Light GraffitiDark theme for wordpress: Dark Water Fall « Seo friendly free wordpress theme: Dojo No comments yet. [...]

  7. TsingF says:


    1. zwwooooo says:

      @TsingF ie6/7会,懒的修正,给#header-menus和#header-menus-page ul ul加个z-index:5应该就行了

    2. TsingF says:


    3. zwwooooo says:

      @TsingF 我的ie8正常

  8. TsingF says:

    我以为360用的IE内核就跟他一样了 呵呵

    1. zwwooooo says:

      @TsingF 无视360……过段时间修正一下ie7/6吧,现在提交wp官方比较麻烦

  9. hredf says:


    Hanukkah http://www.alljewishlinks.com Hanukkah...

  10. 老马 says:

    :razz: 楼主大好人

  11. Microhu says:


    1. zwwooooo says:

      慢慢改,改成紧身黑丝也可以 :mrgreen:

  12. Microhu says:


  13. 咚门 says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


  14. Boombox.no says:


    I've been using your wonderful theme on my website for many years without having any problems. But now the widgets on the main page is displayed below all the posts. This is only on the main page. All the other pages the widgets are shown on a right location. Can you please help me as soon as possible? Thank you very much in advance. 你好

    1. zwwooooo says:

      Check your post's content. Pay attention to the embedded HTML code is redundant "</div>. (Google translate ^_^)

    2. Boombox.no says:

      Which post? There's lots of posts on that page. I don't understand. This has happened now lately. Maybe after I updated the WordPress to the version 3.4. I'm using only WordPress to make posts. I've never used "" 你好

    3. Boombox.no says:

      It has never been a problem before. And I have not changed posts content at all. It has always been the same content of posts and the side widgets were on the right place all the time, until couple of days ago.. please help! :| 你好

    4. zwwooooo says:

      It seems. The problem is solved.

    5. Boombox.no says:

      Yes! :) And I did not do anything! Thats strange, but Im very happy! :D 你好

  15. 那座城 says:



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