熊窝已于昨晚深夜发布了 JA2 v1.13 新版: Build: 4452, 27 May 2011,我是今早收到 Wanne 给我的邮件通知的。
因为熊窝的 Wiki 网站:http://ja2v113.pbworks.com/ 国内无法直接访问,原因你懂的。所以很多铁友也可能不太知道新版发布的消息。我这里通知一下。
熊窝这次发布的 1.13 是安装版,语言支持包括英文、德文、俄文、波兰和中文。中文版是我们 TBS 汉化组汉化的,这次版本新加的源码汉化和游戏 XML 文件汉化是由少的可怜的几位铁友帮忙的。具体翻译工作在这里:http://tbsgame.net/bbs/index.php?showtopic=62830
- 源码部分:spacer、mmx_shhfpl、mmx_shhfpl、Gino、baiwuchang(部分润色)、threewings
- GameData XML部分:mmx_shhfpl、Mustang_ER、Gino、馒头不如米饭、zwwooooo、der_felix1986
- 另外要感谢原金版、1.13和后来的点点滴滴汉化成员
这次时间仓促 + 人手超级缺乏,导致汉化只是一次汉化,木有润色之类,肯定会有很多翻译不够准确、错误、遗漏之类,各位铁血玩家在玩新版时如有发现问题请反馈到翻译工作贴。
Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13 is a mod for the Jagged Alliance 2 game.
Installation | 安装(中文版安装说明)
- 安装纯净的 Jagged Alliance 2 Gold 1.10/1.12
- 不要把 Jagged Alliance 2 安装到默认的 "C:\Program Files" 文件夹里面,因为根据你的系统设置不同可能会出现写权限错误。
- 如果你安装中文版,先安装纯净的 Jagged Alliance 2 Gold 1.10/1.12 英文版
- 下载(上面)最新的 1.13 中文版安装包(Build: 4452, 27 May 2011):JA2 v1.13 Release (CH) [4452].exe
- 运行 JA2 v1.13 Release (CH) [4452].exe 安装最新的 1.13 MOD 到 Jagged Alliance 2 Gold 1.10/1.12 所在目录。
- 打对应语言版本的 4552 升级补丁
- 在开始菜单运行游戏或者直接点击游戏目录下的 ja2.exe 运行游戏。
PS:暂时不要加载其他老 MOD,因为新版的 1.13 加了大量新特性,或许有兼容问题。当然,你可以当小白鼠,然后把兼容性告诉大家。
Download | 下载
- Download Mirror #1 (Hosted by bplaced.net)
English, German, Russian | Polish | Chinese | [ Source Code ] - Download Mirror #2 (Hosted by kermi.pp.fi)
English | German | Russian | Polish | Chinese | [ Source Code ] - Download Mirror #3 (Hosted by Mediafire)
English | German | Russian | Polish | Chinese | [ Source Code ]
2011.7.1 Update:
JA2 1.13 Official Update (2011-07-01)
Revision: 4552
- Download Mirror #1 (Hosted by bplaced.net)
English, German, Russian, Polish, Chinese- Download Mirror #2 (Hosted by Mediafire)
English, German, Russian, Polish, Chinese- Download Mirror #3
Skydrive: English & ChineseBugfixes: GameDir files
- Fixed comment for STRENGTH_TO_LIFT_HALF_KILO
- Fixed missing NVG face graphic for Vince
- Fixed red ugly pixels which should be transparent for Gas Masks and NVGs
- Fixed bug in Scripts\GameInit.lua: Crepitus are present in Realistic Game Mode
- Gave Shadow a woodland camo item by default when playing with STOMP traits active
- Fixed starting inventory for MD
- Removed ability to attach a foregrip to the Calico M-900 rifle.
- Added new graphics of Lasersight, LAM, Sniper Scope, ACOG, ACOG-Combo, and Reflex
- Added new graphics of Lasersight, LAM, Sniper Scope, ACOG, ACOG-Combo, and Reflex Sight
- Removed Barrel Extender support from the Super-Shorty
- Removed extra "External Attachment" slot since there is currently only a single external attachment
- XML Editor: Fixed problems with foreign xml languages
- Merc Profile Editor: Wrong personality traits were shown in the drop down list
New Features: ja2.exe
- Enlarged Strategy Screen Map in 800x600 and 1024x768
Bugfixes: ja2.exe
- Fixed bug showing wrong (not updated) opponent counters on merc portraits
- Fixed CTD when clicking on explosive items (eg. chest)
- Fixed Missing merc faces when talking
- Fixed showing weird merc face when merc dies
- Fixed CTD on enemy pathing
- Fixed CTD when switching from IMP page to another web page
- When disarming a bomb when your inventory is full, the merc actually disarming the bomb will now be the active "ItemPointerSoldier"
- Corrected several variable definitions so that large mag capacity is better supported
- It appears that some of the SM Panel pockets were out of alignment by 1 pixel to the right.
- Recast variables related to the Buddy/Hated system so that proper UINT8 values (0-255) are allowed
- Aim Level function was not allowing negative aim levels which might initially make sense, but if any modifiers would result in a negative value, we'd end up with an high value which would then get reset by the built in limits
- Corrected "equiped" spelling error
- Portraits weren't being re-initialized when changing the TOPTION_SHOW_TACTICAL_FACE_ICONS parameter
- A vector error in the size of the world inventory was causing a mouse button to be deleted twice resulting in an assertion error
- Removed unnecessary weapons.xml write procedure from the ReadInWeaponStats function
- Corrected UDB display issue where ammo and RangeBonus are concerned
- Bullet graphic rendering was causing an internal display error when attaching/removing Ammo attachments from the tactical panel
- Coded some popup box position adjustments so that popup boxes can't be drawn off the screen
- Corrected weapon placement when 2handed weapon is held in off hand during a successful steal attempt
- When retreating from combat, the code was designed to add 5 minutes to the game clock. If another travel group had an arrival time within that 5 minute span, an Assertion error would result
- Because GearAimBonus was altering iSightRange during the CTH calculation, it was possible for an apparently visible target to be effected by the SHOOT_UNSEEN_PENALTY
- Fixed CTD if weapon doesn't have ubDeadliness set it causes a division by zero
- Removed quest reward points for the WHOLE team after you won the boxing and impressed Kingpin
- Formatting of "No funds available" output screwed due to tab char
- Fixed CTD that could occur every day on strategy screen at 08:58 when initializing the inventory for the arms dealer
- Robot can now move through fire/gas tiles without stopping each tile. No need to stop each tile for the robot, because the robot does not get hurt by fire/gas
- Added code to restrict non-ammo item status to 100
- Fixed bug, so we don't lose items when attempting to hand an invalid item to an NPC
- Added a condition so that if a door is not openable, iChance will be reset to 0 in time for the merc to make the "this is impossible" speech
- Fixed "out of memory" crash when loading a savegame with NIV and the wrong "Items.xml" files
- Fixed typo mistakes (Hardest battle, Surgeries undergone)
- Fixed exploit, when it is enemies turn, you can still move when pressing CTRL + L or CTRL + S to open the Save/Load screen and then close the screen without loading/saving
- Multiplayer Fix: Fixed exploit, where a client (which does not currently have the turn) can still move when pressing CTRL + L or CTRL + S to open the Save/Load screen and then close the screen without loading/saving
- Multiplayer Fix: Fixed problem in score screen (stack around variable szPlayerMisses was corrupt)
- Multiplayer Fix: Increased connection timeout to 120 seconds, which hopefully avoids the ID_CONNECTION_LOST when trying to connect with high ping
- Multiplayer Fix: Fixed wrong message in message box, when clients connection got lost

- 本文标题:JA2 v1.13 官方新版发布: Build 4452 + 4552更新补丁
- 本文链接:https://zww.me/archives/25462
- 发布时间:2011年05月28日 10:18
- 版权声明:除非注明,文章均为 zwwooooo 原创,转载请以链接形式标明本文地址!
主页色调柔和 像美丽的航空设计图纸 5~~5~
不过可以更有意思点 比如那个滚动条 设计很创意 但如果。。。呵呵
比如模拟一个生产流水线 顶层
facility_danger_rate 在ini edtor里显示是[1,50000]
可以在Ja2_Options.INI关掉,具体用 INI Editor 看看