熊窝已于昨晚深夜发布了 JA2 v1.13 新版: Build: 4452, 27 May 2011,我是今早收到 Wanne 给我的邮件通知的。
因为熊窝的 Wiki 网站:http://ja2v113.pbworks.com/ 国内无法直接访问,原因你懂的。所以很多铁友也可能不太知道新版发布的消息。我这里通知一下。
熊窝这次发布的 1.13 是安装版,语言支持包括英文、德文、俄文、波兰和中文。中文版是我们 TBS 汉化组汉化的,这次版本新加的源码汉化和游戏 XML 文件汉化是由少的可怜的几位铁友帮忙的。具体翻译工作在这里:http://tbsgame.net/bbs/index.php?showtopic=62830
- 源码部分:spacer、mmx_shhfpl、mmx_shhfpl、Gino、baiwuchang(部分润色)、threewings
- GameData XML部分:mmx_shhfpl、Mustang_ER、Gino、馒头不如米饭、zwwooooo、der_felix1986
- 另外要感谢原金版、1.13和后来的点点滴滴汉化成员
这次时间仓促 + 人手超级缺乏,导致汉化只是一次汉化,木有润色之类,肯定会有很多翻译不够准确、错误、遗漏之类,各位铁血玩家在玩新版时如有发现问题请反馈到翻译工作贴。
Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13 is a mod for the Jagged Alliance 2 game.
Installation | 安装(中文版安装说明)
- 安装纯净的 Jagged Alliance 2 Gold 1.10/1.12
- 不要把 Jagged Alliance 2 安装到默认的 "C:\Program Files" 文件夹里面,因为根据你的系统设置不同可能会出现写权限错误。
- 如果你安装中文版,先安装纯净的 Jagged Alliance 2 Gold 1.10/1.12 英文版
- 下载(上面)最新的 1.13 中文版安装包(Build: 4452, 27 May 2011):JA2 v1.13 Release (CH) [4452].exe
- 运行 JA2 v1.13 Release (CH) [4452].exe 安装最新的 1.13 MOD 到 Jagged Alliance 2 Gold 1.10/1.12 所在目录。
- 打对应语言版本的 4552 升级补丁
- 在开始菜单运行游戏或者直接点击游戏目录下的 ja2.exe 运行游戏。
PS:暂时不要加载其他老 MOD,因为新版的 1.13 加了大量新特性,或许有兼容问题。当然,你可以当小白鼠,然后把兼容性告诉大家。
Download | 下载
- Download Mirror #1 (Hosted by bplaced.net)
English, German, Russian | Polish | Chinese | [ Source Code ] - Download Mirror #2 (Hosted by kermi.pp.fi)
English | German | Russian | Polish | Chinese | [ Source Code ] - Download Mirror #3 (Hosted by Mediafire)
English | German | Russian | Polish | Chinese | [ Source Code ]
2011.7.1 Update:
JA2 1.13 Official Update (2011-07-01)
Revision: 4552
- Download Mirror #1 (Hosted by bplaced.net)
English, German, Russian, Polish, Chinese- Download Mirror #2 (Hosted by Mediafire)
English, German, Russian, Polish, Chinese- Download Mirror #3
Skydrive: English & ChineseBugfixes: GameDir files
- Fixed comment for STRENGTH_TO_LIFT_HALF_KILO
- Fixed missing NVG face graphic for Vince
- Fixed red ugly pixels which should be transparent for Gas Masks and NVGs
- Fixed bug in Scripts\GameInit.lua: Crepitus are present in Realistic Game Mode
- Gave Shadow a woodland camo item by default when playing with STOMP traits active
- Fixed starting inventory for MD
- Removed ability to attach a foregrip to the Calico M-900 rifle.
- Added new graphics of Lasersight, LAM, Sniper Scope, ACOG, ACOG-Combo, and Reflex
- Added new graphics of Lasersight, LAM, Sniper Scope, ACOG, ACOG-Combo, and Reflex Sight
- Removed Barrel Extender support from the Super-Shorty
- Removed extra "External Attachment" slot since there is currently only a single external attachment
- XML Editor: Fixed problems with foreign xml languages
- Merc Profile Editor: Wrong personality traits were shown in the drop down list
New Features: ja2.exe
- Enlarged Strategy Screen Map in 800x600 and 1024x768
Bugfixes: ja2.exe
- Fixed bug showing wrong (not updated) opponent counters on merc portraits
- Fixed CTD when clicking on explosive items (eg. chest)
- Fixed Missing merc faces when talking
- Fixed showing weird merc face when merc dies
- Fixed CTD on enemy pathing
- Fixed CTD when switching from IMP page to another web page
- When disarming a bomb when your inventory is full, the merc actually disarming the bomb will now be the active "ItemPointerSoldier"
- Corrected several variable definitions so that large mag capacity is better supported
- It appears that some of the SM Panel pockets were out of alignment by 1 pixel to the right.
- Recast variables related to the Buddy/Hated system so that proper UINT8 values (0-255) are allowed
- Aim Level function was not allowing negative aim levels which might initially make sense, but if any modifiers would result in a negative value, we'd end up with an high value which would then get reset by the built in limits
- Corrected "equiped" spelling error
- Portraits weren't being re-initialized when changing the TOPTION_SHOW_TACTICAL_FACE_ICONS parameter
- A vector error in the size of the world inventory was causing a mouse button to be deleted twice resulting in an assertion error
- Removed unnecessary weapons.xml write procedure from the ReadInWeaponStats function
- Corrected UDB display issue where ammo and RangeBonus are concerned
- Bullet graphic rendering was causing an internal display error when attaching/removing Ammo attachments from the tactical panel
- Coded some popup box position adjustments so that popup boxes can't be drawn off the screen
- Corrected weapon placement when 2handed weapon is held in off hand during a successful steal attempt
- When retreating from combat, the code was designed to add 5 minutes to the game clock. If another travel group had an arrival time within that 5 minute span, an Assertion error would result
- Because GearAimBonus was altering iSightRange during the CTH calculation, it was possible for an apparently visible target to be effected by the SHOOT_UNSEEN_PENALTY
- Fixed CTD if weapon doesn't have ubDeadliness set it causes a division by zero
- Removed quest reward points for the WHOLE team after you won the boxing and impressed Kingpin
- Formatting of "No funds available" output screwed due to tab char
- Fixed CTD that could occur every day on strategy screen at 08:58 when initializing the inventory for the arms dealer
- Robot can now move through fire/gas tiles without stopping each tile. No need to stop each tile for the robot, because the robot does not get hurt by fire/gas
- Added code to restrict non-ammo item status to 100
- Fixed bug, so we don't lose items when attempting to hand an invalid item to an NPC
- Added a condition so that if a door is not openable, iChance will be reset to 0 in time for the merc to make the "this is impossible" speech
- Fixed "out of memory" crash when loading a savegame with NIV and the wrong "Items.xml" files
- Fixed typo mistakes (Hardest battle, Surgeries undergone)
- Fixed exploit, when it is enemies turn, you can still move when pressing CTRL + L or CTRL + S to open the Save/Load screen and then close the screen without loading/saving
- Multiplayer Fix: Fixed exploit, where a client (which does not currently have the turn) can still move when pressing CTRL + L or CTRL + S to open the Save/Load screen and then close the screen without loading/saving
- Multiplayer Fix: Fixed problem in score screen (stack around variable szPlayerMisses was corrupt)
- Multiplayer Fix: Increased connection timeout to 120 seconds, which hopefully avoids the ID_CONNECTION_LOST when trying to connect with high ping
- Multiplayer Fix: Fixed wrong message in message box, when clients connection got lost

- 本文标题:JA2 v1.13 官方新版发布: Build 4452 + 4552更新补丁
- 本文链接:https://zww.me/archives/25462
- 发布时间:2011年05月28日 10:18
- 版权声明:除非注明,文章均为 zwwooooo 原创,转载请以链接形式标明本文地址!
啊 不容易啊 终于赶上热乎的了
PS SVN里还是没有exe
OM 的游戏人生啊,多玩没那么容易老
呵呵 谢谢分享
感觉还不错啊 因为是新的 呵呵 貌似应该能加920吧
问个小白问题 上面链接 是不是VSN链接地址?
现在工作了 时间还真紧了 没完多少进程 不过感觉 好多细微的改进 不过不明白 M林怎么那么耗ap 我太爱了 拿着它很有安全感啊 呵呵 另外 怎么自动那么难打中目标啊 近在咫尺 也打不着 还有 夜视仪带了跟没带一样 这都是为什么鸟~~~
具体去tbs 1.13单机区看铁友这几天翻译的CTH系统(HAM4新特性),现在是命中率最高是 99%(可以在 ja2_Options.ini 设置 - 推荐用 INI Editor),这很合乎现实。
打扰问下ZWO大大 Gold + JA2 1.13 SVN1252 + TBS_Chinese(GB)_patch + WF6.06 Merc MOD + WF6.06 Merc TBS zh_CN patch + IoV920beta1.1这个综合版本和JA2 v1.13 Release (CH) [4452].exe 版本 有什么本质上的区别么
这里的1.13中文版就是:JA2 1.13 + TBS Chinese(GB) patch。
你上面的组合可以理解为:原版+1.13MOD+中文汉化MOD+野火6.06MOD+野火6.06汉化MOD+IoV MOD
还有这个野火版本的MOD我完全按照ZWO大的说明安装 结果完全进不去游戏 是不是要像4452一样用INI Editor进入游戏呢?
发现bug了 有个榴弹发射器 和弹药的 丹药是9mm*35的 榴弹就是跟暴杆子弹很像的那种 别的还没发现
确实希望cosplay赶紧跟上进度 我要武器大全