WordPress Theme: zBench

» 2010-04-09 710条评论

zBench is simple two-column wordpress theme which works well with latest wordpress version. Simple and elegant style make you a premium experience of your website. New wordpress3.0 features, widgets and threaded-comments support, without any plugins needed (support plugin WP Page Numbers,  WP-PostViews,  wp-utf8-excerpt,  Related Posts of Simple Tags).


  • Custom header graphic – easily upload your own images for the header
  • Custom background graphic
  • Visual editor
  • WordPress  3.0 custom menus
  • comment smilies support
  • customed link for RSS, Twitter, FaceBook

Works with:

  • IE6, IE7, IE8 & IE9
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari

Designed for WordPress 3.0+. Recommend work for WordPress 3.8+


This theme is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2).


Demo in demo.zww.me


Download zBench from WordPress.org

Advanced WordPress Service

Want a customed wordpress theme? I can offer you the following professional services.

  • Custom WordPress Themes
  • Technical Support & Maintenance
  • Custom Jquery effects
  • Custom your current theme

Contact me: zwwblog[at]gmail.com

Language Package:(Thx for volunteers)

  • Turkish (tr_TR): laztrix - diviksfilm.com && Hakki dilek - desteksitesi.net
  • Norge (nb_NO): norshotokan.com
  • Brasil (pt_BR): Henrique Cintra - http://holococos.sjdr.com.br/tecnologia/tema-gratuito-para-wordpress-em-portugues/
  • Russian (ru_RU): Vladimir - http://helpdesk.infoblog.ws and http://blog.infoblog.ws
  • French (fr_FR): Jean-Marc Paratte
  • German (de_DE): Sebastian
  • Spanish (es_ES): Francisco Santos
  • Czech (cs_CZ): Jirka Vilim
  • Hungarian (hu_HU): Bortnyák Roland
  • Portuguese (pt_PT): Pedro Fonseca
  • Bulgarian (bg_BG): Marin Draganov - http://draganov-info.com/
  • Polish (pl_PL): Andrzej Pauli
  • Dutch (nl_NL): Danny Klaassen
  • Indonesian (id_ID): Ivo Idham Perdameian
  • Japanese (ja_JP): Hide Uehara - http://o6asan.com/
  • Swedish (sv_SE): Per-Erik Eriksson
  • Italian (it_IT): dario
  • Serbo Croatian (sr_RS): Andrijana Nikolic


= 1.4.2 =
* add js function: Handles toggling the navigation menu for small screens
* update screenshot
(说明:主题在小屏幕下的菜单点击下拉是用 css 模拟出来的,但听说 iPad 和 iPhone 下效果不好,所以改为原生 js 来实现了)

= 1.4.0 & 1.4.1 =
* remove back-compat for 3.4 (1.4.1)
* update screenshot to support HiDPI (1.4.1)
* Fix: A little bug in "Hide the title and description" (1.4.0)
* Fix: style of "#nav-below" in single post (1.4.0)
* Fix: Theme Options Style for WP3.9+ (1.4.0)
* Adjust Navi' style (1.4.0)

= 1.3.8 & 1.3.9 =
* Simple Responsive for Mobile | 加了简单的响应式处理,针对移动设备访问
* Remove the custom navigation Home links | 移除自定义导航时默认的首页链接
* Adjust the structure | 整体结构稍微调整了下,配合响应式。

= 1.3.7 =
* edit: google+ page link - used rel="publisher" instead rel="me" | 更改 Google+ 的 rel 为 me
* Add Sidebar [select] css | 对侧边栏的 select 标签加了样式
* Fix: double title in feed | 修正 Feed 里面双网站标题的 bug
* Update: Polish translation files | 增加波兰语言包
* Update: Serbo Croatian translation files | 增加塞尔维亚克罗地亚语言包

= 1.3.6 =
* make "Powered by..." message translatable
* enqueue comment-reply script via callback | comment-reply改用callback回调方式加载
* use 'wp_title' filter replace hard-code in head. | 用filter替换hard-code方式的wp-title(官方推荐)
* Fix: If no featured-image, it will generate an empty "a" link | 修正没有特色图片时的空链接问题
* Add Italian translation files | 增加意大利语言包
* use new Custom Headers, Custom Backgrounds function | 使用WP3.4规定的新函数,并作向下兼容

= 1.3.5 =

* Any details of the changes
* Fix: "home link" style in front page. | 修正front page的首页链接显示问题
* Add Japanese, Swedish translation files | 增加语言包:日本、瑞典

= 1.3.4 =
* Forgot few files to upload...

= 1.3.3 =
* Fix: comments state tips. | 修正评论状态判断
* Fix and Modify: #gotocomments change to .gotocomments, #addcomment change to .addcomment | 修正“重复使用ID”的低级错误
* Modify: the parameters of function wp_nav_menu()
* Modify: Any element's css property in class "entry"
* Add Bulgarian, Polish, Dutch, Indonesian translation files | 增加语言支持:保加利亚、波兰、荷兰、印尼

= 1.3.2 =
* Remove function_exists() conditional wrappers from wp_nav_menu() | 移除wp_nav_menu()的function_exits()判断(官方要求)
* Add "comment content" css style
* Add css properties "max-width" to limit class "wp-caption" width | 给wp-caption增加max-width
* Add new Option: Left Sidebar style select | 增加选项,侧边栏可以显示在左边或者右边
* Add Portuguese translation files | 增加葡萄牙语言支持

= 1.3.0 = 1.3.1 =
* Add custom page template: Page without Sidebar | 增加无侧边栏自定义页面模板
* Modify: read more style & Custom read more link function. | 修改 read more 样式细节和自定义加<--more-->方式的的样式函数
* Any details of the changes | 其他一些细节调整
* Update Hungarian translation files (1.3.1) | 更新匈牙利语言包

= 1.2.9 =
* Fix: Getting the "Undefined index" errors when saving theme settings with debugging turned on | 修正 debug 模式下无所谓的 "Undefined index" 错误提示——为了通过蛋疼的人工审核又加了版本号……
* Correct button of "reset all setting" positions | 修正英文版本 reset 按钮的位置

= 1.2.8 =
* Add pingback/trackback for commentlist | 评论输出改为全部(包括Pingback/Trachback——并定义了其专有样式)
* Modify archive.php: add is_author for author archive page title | list文章列表页面增加作者文章列表标题判断
* Modify index.php: add is_search() for search result page title | 增加搜索结果页面的标题显示
* Add Hungarian translation files | 增加匈牙利语言包
* Correct translation of the missing words | 修正遗漏的翻译字句
* Add reset button for theme options | 增加主题设置的 reset 按钮

= 1.2.7 =
* Add Header image URL | 给自定义头部图片加上链接,后台可以自定义链接地址,默认是首页
* Add rel=me/rel=author for Blog author | 跟博客作者链接加上 rel="author",Google+链接加上rel="me"属性
* Add option: Custom Social Media(2) | 增加2个自定义社交网络链接
* Add option: hide the title and description | 增加隐藏标题和副标题选项
* Add Czech translation files. | 增加捷克语言包
* 另外稍微优化了后台设置代码以及其参数调用。

= 1.2.6 =
* Fix: wp_title | 修正在木有设置副标题时,title的显示bug
* Fix: current page menu sytle | 修正自定义菜单当前菜单的下拉样式
* Add: Google+ links option | 增加 Google+ 的链接自定义
* Modify: rss,twitter,facebook links icon and style | 更改rss, twitter, facebook这些链接样式和图片

= 1.2.5 = (2011.7.2)
* Fix: "#header h2 a" line-height | 修正博客标题行高过低导致英文字母显示不全
* Fix: remove the "reply button" css attribute "width" | 移除评论回复按钮的“width” css属性以增加多语言兼容
* Add German, Spanish translation files.

= 1.2.4 = (2011.6.20)
* Fix: p tag attributes error in IE(editor-style.css) | 修正编辑器即改即见在IE下 p 标签变成 box 的问题
* Modify: pagenavi-css | 修改了WP-pagenavi 插件样式
* Add Russian, French translation files.
* Fix: more like English grammar mistakes. | 修正英文语法错误词句
* Fix: few English grammar mistakes.

= 1.2.3 =
* Modify: When no comment don't show some hints, such as "Leave a comment", "Go to comment".
* Add css attributes for "#respond code".
* Remove css attributes "font:inherit": Fixed such as 'strong' tags failures.
* Add recommended functionality: add_custom_background();
* Add Brazil translation files.

= 1.2.2 = (2011.5.8)

* Add recommend function:add_editor_style()
* Add link to thumbnails
* Add language pack of turkey,Norway
* Fix the style of smily inserted to the post
* Fix content_width
* Add the width limit to picture [css:max-width]
* Add readme.txt which include the changelog
* some fix of codes

= 1.2.1 = (2011.2.14)

* Recompose the code of dashboard [Code optimization]
* Add the support of thumbnails
* Allow to custom the header graphic
* some fix of code & style

= 1.1.6 = (2011.1.24)

* Fix some codes & bugs
* Add language pack:just Simplified Chinese so far
* Remove the mark of “Valid CSS3 & HTML”[for some compatibility fix]

= 1.1.4 = (2010.10.3)

* Fix the warn of error page
* Fix the classname of page/post
* Change the havor color of navigate menu[header],current page,category

= 1.1.3 = (include 1.1.1~1.1.2, 2010.9.30)

* Fix the bug of post_class() in Ver.1.1.0
* Fix the link position of twitter & facebook
* Some other changes

= 1.1.0 = (2010.9.28)

* Only WP3.0+ support
* Change: For WordPress version 3.0+
* Add: Custom menu support & Multi drop-down menu
* Any details of the changes

= 1.0.8 = (2010.6.7)

* Optimization
* Details of the changes

= 1.0.7 = (2010.5.23)

* Fix: The primary widget area
* Add: Custom sidebar calendar format

= 1.0.6 = (2010.5.9)

* Add Widget Area: The primary widget area, The singular widget area, Not Singular Widget Area, The footer widget area

= 1.0.5 = (2010.5.4)

* Change: search style
* Fix: Page and category selection

= 1.0.4 = (2010.4.26)

* Comment box style changes
* Resubmit...

= 1.0.3 = (2010.4.22)

* Fix: Any bug in index.php & archive.php
* Fix: Css3 error
* Change: Add "box-shodow" to id of #search

= 1.0.2 = (include 1.0.1, 2010.4.13)

* Add:Dashboard:1.custom the display of navi-menu[Page or Category];2.customed RSS address;3.custom your twitter&facebook link
* Add the theme mached style(CSS) of plugin WP-RecentComments & WP-PageNavi
* Add the support for WP-PageNavi plugin
* some other fix

= 1.0.0 = (2010.4.8)

* First version



-Single, Page & Comment

- Theme Options


“WordPress Theme: zBench”有710条评论

  1. lemon says:

    博主好啊!我在用你这款主题但是我的插件Auto Highslide和WP-UTF8-Excerpt,但首页的缩略图不能用Auto Highslide查看,请问有什么解决办法吗?也可以推荐一个首页缩略图带连接的插件!类似这个网站http://rices.so

    1. zwwooooo says:

      我记得 Auto Highslide 是只在文章页才有效的

  2. van abel says:

    首先感谢你写的主题zbench, 他是我见过最具美感的主题了. 关键是他设计明快清晰, 使得我的博文也润色不少. 但是发现两个小小的问题:
    2. 有个comment-[num] id 重复, 我已修正.
    3. js位置没有优化
    4. 看到你说能通过IE6, 但是在我测试发现IE6下 下拉菜单 不能弹出.

    又能否多开发几个功能, 实现无插件化? 就像随机文章我觉得就很实用. 希望能增加常用的如: lightbox, relatedpost, recent-comments.

    看你的主题很多, 不知能否提个小小的建议: 做好一件事不容易, 把一件事做完美简直是一种奢侈.

    祝: 主题越来越好! 博客人气越来越旺!

    1. zwwooooo says:

      @van abel
      1. 这个能否具体说哪里不能通过检测?
      2. 这个问题早已知道,已经修正,只是太忙忘了提交新版
      3. zBench没有带任何js,至于插件添加的自行修改
      4. IE6不支持css的元素hover,我也根本就不打算鸟IE6,能让IE6不错位已经很给IE6面子了——还在用IE6不长进的用户可以无视

  3. Debugi says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


  4. o6asan says:

    Thank you for yor nice theme. I use v.1.3.4.

    BTW, I made Japanese language files. If you need them, please get in touch with me.

    1. zwwooooo says:

      Hi, you can sent them to my email: zwwblog[at]gmail.com
      I will update to next version. Thanks.

  5. flo says:

    Hello did you get my message? please change the font of zBench theme from bold back to normal. it looks not nice anymore. thx, flo

    1. zwwooooo says:

      I had not get your message? Where font color of zBench? I dont change font color in 1.3.x.

    2. 大发 says:


    3. zwwooooo says:


  6. 重生的不一定是凤凰 | 半封闲话 says:

    [...] 房屋的装修以时下流行的简约风格为主(说白了就是缺钱),特此感谢金牌设计师zwwooooo使用超环保材料打造的zBench家居主题,我很喜欢,谢谢! 故园三十二年前乔布斯, 域名 ← Hello world! 发表评论?0 条评论。 [...]

  7. lostzay says:



    1. zwwooooo says:


    2. zwwooooo says:

      另外,你的博客现在的zBench html结构错乱了,head部分跑到body那边去了,认真检查一下你的头部插入的代码。

    3. lostzay says:


    4. lostzay says:


    5. lostzay says:




    6. zwwooooo says:


  8. zhaosv587 says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


  9. zhaosv587 says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


    2. zhaosv587 says:


  10. nbarock says:


    1. zwwooooo says:

      检查一下是否插件造成的,如编辑器扩展插件。zBench带有编辑器“editor style”功能(WP官方要求)。

    2. nbarock says:


    3. zwwooooo says:


  11. Self-TOWN says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


    2. Self-TOWN says:



    3. Self-TOWN says:

      2.博客左上角有 Self-TOWN my blog,my life,my town 这几个字,其中Self-TOWN的字体如何修改,同时,他的位置怎么修改呢?

    4. zwwooooo says:


  12. Self-TOWN says:

    现在我试着调的差不多了,但怎么不让菜单在chrome下默认圆角显示呢?个人反而喜欢有棱角的。。 :razz:

    1. zwwooooo says:

      呃,你是第一个说不让有圆角的……你把style.css里面的 /* radius */ 那段内容删了即可。即38~48行。

  13. Self-TOWN says:


    1. zwwooooo says:

      删除 header.php 里面的:

      <ul><li<?php if (is_home() || is_front_page()) echo ' class="current_page_item"'; ?>><a href="<?php echo home_url('/'); ?>"><?php _e('Home', 'zbench'); ?></a></li></ul>
  14. vanabel says:

    请问下zbench如何对加密文章添加摘要, 也就是说不只是出现"这是一篇受密码保护的文章。您需要提供访问密码:"这句话, 我想添加个自定义栏目来实现, 但是不会.

    1. zwwooooo says:


    2. vanabel says:

      我觉得关键是index.php这句获取内容的代码, 我不明白为啥他会判断出来文章加密与否? 好像只在你的comments.php中发现了一个post_password_required()调用? 难道是the_expert是内置函数, 会自动调用加密判断这句?

      <?php if ( $zbench_options['excerpt_check']=='true' ) { the_excerpt(__('Read more »','zbench')); } else { the_content(__('Read more »','zbench')); } ?>	
    3. zwwooooo says:


    4. vanabel says:

      基本搞定了, 用知更鸟的一个函数, 读取meta信息在显示出来. 换言之, 新写个函数, 替换那个the_excerpt就行.

    5. zwwooooo says:

      其实就是 hook 一下 the_excerpt 函数而已,。

  15. 请问这个主题有没有回复别人评论之后发邮件通知对方的功能?

    1. zwwooooo says:


  16. [...] 这个主题来自zwwooooo的zBench主题,自己修改,去掉主题设置等不需要的功能,加上图片视频音频,ajax分页,修改评论表情,增加边侧栏一些小工具等功能。 [...]

  17. loren says:


    1. zwwooooo says:

      zBench支持自定义菜单,WP后台 》外观 》菜单,至于如何设置,自行搜索(这属于wp基本操作方法)

  18. [...] zwwooooo的zBench主题,现在用的主题就是用这个修改的,为何选他?且不说他的布局合理,css的效果优雅,最主要的是他的结构非常有条理:404.php archive.php comments.php footer.php functions.php header.php index.php page.php searchform.php sidebar.php single.php style.css 这是一个主题最基本的元素,他几乎没增加多少其他的东西。page-without-sidebar.php让你在新建页面可以选择不显示边侧栏,editor-style.css是当用浏览器进入后台编辑器可以预览样式。library里面也只是主题自定义选项theme-options.php。图片运用也极少,基本都是用css来定义。而且很多功能是应用wordpress内置函数,像自定义背景,自定义头部图片。原版主题除了一个wp内置的comment-reply没用任何JS。综上所述,这个主题用来修改再合适不过了。 [...]

  19. Scoubidou says:

    Thank you for this theme. I suggest to add a "Connexion" link in the top menu, that appears when we are not connected to the WordPress blog.

    1. zwwooooo says:

      I do not understandy your problem. But zBench upport WP custom menu.

    2. Scoubidou says:

      你好i'm talking about the taskbar that appears on the top of the page after connecting. But before connecting, this taskbar doesn't appear. I suggest it should always appear, with the "Connexion" link in it when we are not connected.

    3. zwwooooo says:

      Are you say WP's toolbar? This work well.

  20. Scoubidou says:

    I would like to send you screenshots because I will not not be able to explain it. Could you please send me your mail address?

    1. zwwooooo says:

      my mail address: zwwblog[at]gmail.com


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