zBench is simple two-column wordpress theme which works well with latest wordpress version. Simple and elegant style make you a premium experience of your website. New wordpress3.0 features, widgets and threaded-comments support, without any plugins needed (support plugin WP Page Numbers, WP-PostViews, wp-utf8-excerpt, Related Posts of Simple Tags).
- Custom header graphic – easily upload your own images for the header
- Custom background graphic
- Visual editor
- WordPress 3.0 custom menus
- comment smilies support
- customed link for RSS, Twitter, FaceBook
Works with:
- IE6, IE7, IE8 & IE9
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Opera
- Safari
Designed for WordPress 3.0+. Recommend work for WordPress 3.8+
This theme is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2).
Download zBench from WordPress.org
Advanced WordPress Service
Want a customed wordpress theme? I can offer you the following professional services.
- Custom WordPress Themes
- Technical Support & Maintenance
- Custom Jquery effects
- Custom your current theme
Contact me: zwwblog[at]gmail.com
Language Package:(Thx for volunteers)
- Turkish (tr_TR): laztrix - diviksfilm.com && Hakki dilek - desteksitesi.net
- Norge (nb_NO): norshotokan.com
- Brasil (pt_BR): Henrique Cintra - http://holococos.sjdr.com.br/tecnologia/tema-gratuito-para-wordpress-em-portugues/
- Russian (ru_RU): Vladimir - http://helpdesk.infoblog.ws and http://blog.infoblog.ws
- French (fr_FR): Jean-Marc Paratte
- German (de_DE): Sebastian
- Spanish (es_ES): Francisco Santos
- Czech (cs_CZ): Jirka Vilim
- Hungarian (hu_HU): Bortnyák Roland
- Portuguese (pt_PT): Pedro Fonseca
- Bulgarian (bg_BG): Marin Draganov - http://draganov-info.com/
- Polish (pl_PL): Andrzej Pauli
- Dutch (nl_NL): Danny Klaassen
- Indonesian (id_ID): Ivo Idham Perdameian
- Japanese (ja_JP): Hide Uehara - http://o6asan.com/
- Swedish (sv_SE): Per-Erik Eriksson
- Italian (it_IT): dario
- Serbo Croatian (sr_RS): Andrijana Nikolic
= 1.4.2 =
* add js function: Handles toggling the navigation menu for small screens
* update screenshot
(说明:主题在小屏幕下的菜单点击下拉是用 css 模拟出来的,但听说 iPad 和 iPhone 下效果不好,所以改为原生 js 来实现了)
= 1.4.0 & 1.4.1 =
* remove back-compat for 3.4 (1.4.1)
* update screenshot to support HiDPI (1.4.1)
* Fix: A little bug in "Hide the title and description" (1.4.0)
* Fix: style of "#nav-below" in single post (1.4.0)
* Fix: Theme Options Style for WP3.9+ (1.4.0)
* Adjust Navi' style (1.4.0)
= 1.3.8 & 1.3.9 =
* Simple Responsive for Mobile | 加了简单的响应式处理,针对移动设备访问
* Remove the custom navigation Home links | 移除自定义导航时默认的首页链接
* Adjust the structure | 整体结构稍微调整了下,配合响应式。
= 1.3.7 =
* edit: google+ page link - used rel="publisher" instead rel="me" | 更改 Google+ 的 rel 为 me
* Add Sidebar [select] css | 对侧边栏的 select 标签加了样式
* Fix: double title in feed | 修正 Feed 里面双网站标题的 bug
* Update: Polish translation files | 增加波兰语言包
* Update: Serbo Croatian translation files | 增加塞尔维亚克罗地亚语言包
= 1.3.6 =
* make "Powered by..." message translatable
* enqueue comment-reply script via callback | comment-reply改用callback回调方式加载
* use 'wp_title' filter replace hard-code in head. | 用filter替换hard-code方式的wp-title(官方推荐)
* Fix: If no featured-image, it will generate an empty "a" link | 修正没有特色图片时的空链接问题
* Add Italian translation files | 增加意大利语言包
* use new Custom Headers, Custom Backgrounds function | 使用WP3.4规定的新函数,并作向下兼容
= 1.3.5 =
* Any details of the changes
* Fix: "home link" style in front page. | 修正front page的首页链接显示问题
* Add Japanese, Swedish translation files | 增加语言包:日本、瑞典
= 1.3.4 =
* Forgot few files to upload...
= 1.3.3 =
* Fix: comments state tips. | 修正评论状态判断
* Fix and Modify: #gotocomments change to .gotocomments, #addcomment change to .addcomment | 修正“重复使用ID”的低级错误
* Modify: the parameters of function wp_nav_menu()
* Modify: Any element's css property in class "entry"
* Add Bulgarian, Polish, Dutch, Indonesian translation files | 增加语言支持:保加利亚、波兰、荷兰、印尼
= 1.3.2 =
* Remove function_exists() conditional wrappers from wp_nav_menu() | 移除wp_nav_menu()的function_exits()判断(官方要求)
* Add "comment content" css style
* Add css properties "max-width" to limit class "wp-caption" width | 给wp-caption增加max-width
* Add new Option: Left Sidebar style select | 增加选项,侧边栏可以显示在左边或者右边
* Add Portuguese translation files | 增加葡萄牙语言支持
= 1.3.0 = 1.3.1 =
* Add custom page template: Page without Sidebar | 增加无侧边栏自定义页面模板
* Modify: read more style & Custom read more link function. | 修改 read more 样式细节和自定义加<--more-->方式的的样式函数
* Any details of the changes | 其他一些细节调整
* Update Hungarian translation files (1.3.1) | 更新匈牙利语言包
= 1.2.9 =
* Fix: Getting the "Undefined index" errors when saving theme settings with debugging turned on | 修正 debug 模式下无所谓的 "Undefined index" 错误提示——为了通过蛋疼的人工审核又加了版本号……
* Correct button of "reset all setting" positions | 修正英文版本 reset 按钮的位置
= 1.2.8 =
* Add pingback/trackback for commentlist | 评论输出改为全部(包括Pingback/Trachback——并定义了其专有样式)
* Modify archive.php: add is_author for author archive page title | list文章列表页面增加作者文章列表标题判断
* Modify index.php: add is_search() for search result page title | 增加搜索结果页面的标题显示
* Add Hungarian translation files | 增加匈牙利语言包
* Correct translation of the missing words | 修正遗漏的翻译字句
* Add reset button for theme options | 增加主题设置的 reset 按钮
= 1.2.7 =
* Add Header image URL | 给自定义头部图片加上链接,后台可以自定义链接地址,默认是首页
* Add rel=me/rel=author for Blog author | 跟博客作者链接加上 rel="author",Google+链接加上rel="me"属性
* Add option: Custom Social Media(2) | 增加2个自定义社交网络链接
* Add option: hide the title and description | 增加隐藏标题和副标题选项
* Add Czech translation files. | 增加捷克语言包
* 另外稍微优化了后台设置代码以及其参数调用。
= 1.2.6 =
* Fix: wp_title | 修正在木有设置副标题时,title的显示bug
* Fix: current page menu sytle | 修正自定义菜单当前菜单的下拉样式
* Add: Google+ links option | 增加 Google+ 的链接自定义
* Modify: rss,twitter,facebook links icon and style | 更改rss, twitter, facebook这些链接样式和图片
= 1.2.5 = (2011.7.2)
* Fix: "#header h2 a" line-height | 修正博客标题行高过低导致英文字母显示不全
* Fix: remove the "reply button" css attribute "width" | 移除评论回复按钮的“width” css属性以增加多语言兼容
* Add German, Spanish translation files.
= 1.2.4 = (2011.6.20)
* Fix: p tag attributes error in IE(editor-style.css) | 修正编辑器即改即见在IE下 p 标签变成 box 的问题
* Modify: pagenavi-css | 修改了WP-pagenavi 插件样式
* Add Russian, French translation files.
* Fix: more like English grammar mistakes. | 修正英文语法错误词句
* Fix: few English grammar mistakes.
= 1.2.3 =
* Modify: When no comment don't show some hints, such as "Leave a comment", "Go to comment".
* Add css attributes for "#respond code".
* Remove css attributes "font:inherit": Fixed such as 'strong' tags failures.
* Add recommended functionality: add_custom_background();
* Add Brazil translation files.
= 1.2.2 = (2011.5.8)
* Add recommend function:add_editor_style()
* Add link to thumbnails
* Add language pack of turkey,Norway
* Fix the style of smily inserted to the post
* Fix content_width
* Add the width limit to picture [css:max-width]
* Add readme.txt which include the changelog
* some fix of codes
= 1.2.1 = (2011.2.14)
* Recompose the code of dashboard [Code optimization]
* Add the support of thumbnails
* Allow to custom the header graphic
* some fix of code & style
= 1.1.6 = (2011.1.24)
* Fix some codes & bugs
* Add language pack:just Simplified Chinese so far
* Remove the mark of “Valid CSS3 & HTML”[for some compatibility fix]
= 1.1.4 = (2010.10.3)
* Fix the warn of error page
* Fix the classname of page/post
* Change the havor color of navigate menu[header],current page,category
= 1.1.3 = (include 1.1.1~1.1.2, 2010.9.30)
* Fix the bug of post_class() in Ver.1.1.0
* Fix the link position of twitter & facebook
* Some other changes
= 1.1.0 = (2010.9.28)
* Only WP3.0+ support
* Change: For WordPress version 3.0+
* Add: Custom menu support & Multi drop-down menu
* Any details of the changes
= 1.0.8 = (2010.6.7)
* Optimization
* Details of the changes
= 1.0.7 = (2010.5.23)
* Fix: The primary widget area
* Add: Custom sidebar calendar format
= 1.0.6 = (2010.5.9)
* Add Widget Area: The primary widget area, The singular widget area, Not Singular Widget Area, The footer widget area
= 1.0.5 = (2010.5.4)
* Change: search style
* Fix: Page and category selection
= 1.0.4 = (2010.4.26)
* Comment box style changes
* Resubmit...
= 1.0.3 = (2010.4.22)
* Fix: Any bug in index.php & archive.php
* Fix: Css3 error
* Change: Add "box-shodow" to id of #search
= 1.0.2 = (include 1.0.1, 2010.4.13)
* Add:Dashboard:1.custom the display of navi-menu[Page or Category];2.customed RSS address;3.custom your twitter&facebook link
* Add the theme mached style(CSS) of plugin WP-RecentComments & WP-PageNavi
* Add the support for WP-PageNavi plugin
* some other fix
= 1.0.0 = (2010.4.8)
* First version
-Single, Page & Comment
- Theme Options

- 本文标题:WordPress Theme: zBench
- 本文链接:https://zww.me/archives/25131
- 发布时间:2010年04月09日 11:42
- 版权声明:除非注明,文章均为 zwwooooo 原创,转载请以链接形式标明本文地址!
I like your theme very much!
Please, the blockquote-style in wordpress.com is different to that in the theme for wordepress-selfhosting. There it is only a simple rectangle.
What can I do to get the pretty blockquote-style from wordpress.com-theme to my selfhosted wordpress-zbench-theme?
zBench in wordpress.com is modify by WordPress.com. But you can try:
open style.css, add following css end of style.css:
.entry blockquote{background-color:#fff;border-radius:12px;margin:30px 20px 30px 30px;padding:20px 20px 10px;box-shadow:4px 5px 29px #ddd;}
That´s it!!
Thank you so much!
你好,请问这个主题是加载了jQuery的吧,看主题介绍里说是加载了的,怎么我使用 jQ 代码 不见效果呢?
@奔跑
请问我哪里写了加了 jQuery 呢?
Hi. I am a big fan of the zBench theme and has been using it for about 4 months now. It is fast, elegant and simple - which is all I would expect from a professional WP theme. Just one question that I cannot figure out myself: can you tell how to remove the "home" tab, leaving all the other stuff untouched? Simply: how to hide the tab bar completely.
You seem to have solved it
注意 - 你可以用以下 HTML tags and attributes:
这是默认评论框支持的html tags提示,我在主题设置那里加了选项,你可以关闭。
I really like that theme
I'm using it for a site now, and I think, I'll choose an other one for my other site.
@Roland B.
Welcome to use.
你好 @zwwooooo,
Also, can you reply to my email about translation this theme?
@Roland B.
Hi, Have replied.
Thanks, @zwwooooo . What about the fixing of the translation problem?
@Roland B.
Ah, I have replied.
Is there a way to get more articles in the home page? 3 are... not enough
Thanks
Dashboard > Setting > Reading > Blog pages show at most
Thanks for for the ZBench template - great! But why are the wigets are appearing below the posts at my blog: http://www.danielstender.com/granthinam/
WP is 3.2.1, the widgets are in the primary area.
Thx in advance,
Daniel Stender
你好 你好
Eh allright, is a problem with the Firefox here (5.0-1linuxmint1). Everthing work's fine on Chromium and the others (of course). Thx for the nice template.
你好 你好
@Daniel Stender
I found some "div" in your post entry. So your theme's problem may be by those "div". Check your post content, if "<div>" goto closed?(</div>)
你好

I love zBench for its clean and simplistic design... but 'Logo URL' does not seem to be working for me (I have it running on an SSL only site).
One other thing... what jquery thing are you running for that superb 'page loading' effect on this site... I would love to have that in my zBench!
"Logo URL" default use function: home_url('/');
Therefore, the link may not support SSL link.
You can modify youself. Open header.php by editor. Find all following code:
Replaced with links to your site
"jQuery thing": I write for my site. So can not simply use in zBench.
@zwwooooo

I found the problem... A while back I made and started using a child theme (I forgot) - my own code had broken it!
很喜欢这款主题,下载安装预览了一下,我想主页实现read more这种格式,不知道应该怎么修改,请博主指导。谢谢。
With the last release is still possible change the layout with 2 sidebar or not?木
zBench do not have this feature
I saw on several blogs the possibility to change the layout directly by the theme menu... it was a possibility of the past release?
Anyway, what i have to do if i want place a second sidebar in the left, or simple place the right sidebar on the opposite side?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english
if zBench have 2 sidebar what you see. There is reversion by Official WordPress. It is used to provide for WordPress.com.
You can try: add following code end of style.css
方法1. 用Poedit打开lang里面的zh_CN.po,找到“NAME”,把翻译“昵称”改为“昵称(必须填写)”
方法2. 用文本编辑器打开comments.php,找到