今天1.13 SVN1097 放出了新的ja2.exe:2620版本,中文版的ja2.exe也跟着编译放出!
1. 更正了很多bug(这句不算翻译 )
2. 游戏里的设置页面可以翻页了(这个也不算啥 )
3. 加了个选项,叫“强制回合模式”,喜欢全回合制的朋友就开吧,除了在选项里设置,也可以用快捷键,快捷键是‘ Shift + Ctrl + Alt + T ' ,按一次是开启,再按一次关闭。
4. 以前2567版本后的中文跳出问题已解决(其实在2612时更正了——用了大半个月才搞定,唉,不熟C++,解决就好 )
注意: 此 ja2_release_2620_cn.exe 一定要在1.13 SVN1097 及其以上版本使用,不然报错退出!
- CTD when enemies retreat (by Heinz)
- Open IMP page in laptop and then close laptop using key ESC. You will see button for closing window on strategic map... if you press this button you will have CTD.
- Mercs randomly drop aimed weapons automatically under some weird circumstances
- Merc are now a little more "talkactive"
- Fixed error creating new soldiers in DoReinforcementAsPendingEnemy
- Fixed some bugs in Shopkeeper interface.
- Fixed CTD when pressing Alt-Y not in cheat mode
- Save/load screen shouldn't appear during quickload
- Fix movement cost problems in 100AP. Externalized the movement cost modifiers and changed the run modifier from a divisor to a flat modifier like other forms of movement use.
- Added a condition which should stop the blue asterisk from appearing on an item unless that item is of item class IC_LBEGEAR.
- AI Viewer: To use the AI Viewer build a Debug Version, go to the Strategy Screen and press F12
- Quest Debug System: Quest Debug System dialog is opened by switching to the Tactical screen and press F11.
- New option screen with "Next" and "Prev" button. This allows "unlimited" of options in the option screen
- "Forced turn base mode" option in the option screen and also available via keyboard shortcut (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+T) in tactical. This forces the game to go in turn based mode when there are enemies in the sector.

- 本文标题:2620版中文ja2.exe: ja2_release_2620_cn.exe
- 本文链接:https://zww.me/archives/23160
- 发布时间:2009年03月13日 22:13
- 版权声明:除非注明,文章均为 zwwooooo 原创,转载请以链接形式标明本文地址!
xia bu le