New Cover Display System (新的隐蔽显示系统)中文说明

» 2009-10-22 21条评论

铁血联盟2 v1.13 svn1196 这次更新的3274版的 ja2.exe 整合了 New Cover Display SystemNew Cover Display System 功能是由来自德国的 CptMoore 制作,自从今年 3 月份放出后就一直没有消息,这个月终于发力,最后整合到 1.13 里面了。

New Cover Display System 简单操作说明:战术界面里按一次"End"键是显示佣兵视野,再按一次是敌人的视野--这个要在佣兵看到敌人的基础上,然后如果再按一次就取消 New Cover display System

下面贴出英文说明和TBS汉化组HLTVrocks 仓促翻译的中文说明。

HLTVrocks 仓促翻译的中文说明:

前话: new cover system究竟是翻译成新隐蔽显示系统, 还是掩蔽显示系统 , 还是什么系统, 商量一下吧.

Cover system is now included into the main SVN branch. Changes to will still be made available here.

掩蔽系统现在已经结合到SVN中. 这里仍然可以做修改? (不知道这个德国姥说的是什么)

Only old or boring ones, so don't look at it right now.
只有一些过时的无聊的视频, 就甭看了. *old* *老的* *no auto-refreshing and looks boring* *没自动刷新, 看起来很无聊*

Features for gamers:
- Cover display shows now the enemy sight range, with sight adjustment based on how good your cover is!
-掩蔽显示会显示出敌人的视觉范围, 并且根据你的掩蔽程度会有所变化.

Every type of the following sight range reductions stack!
- Camouflage is a flat but context sensitive change to sight range. the more camo the less sight range for the enemy. Based on your characters camouflage, the terrain and the characters stance (standing make you camo useless)
-迷彩是直接的对视觉范围的减弱, 但有分于种类和程度. 迷彩百分比越高可见程度越低, 也要看地形和人物的姿势(站立时迷彩没用!)

(in video: you see the enemy seeing our character less good on grass)
(视频中: 可以看到敌人更难看到在草上的你)
- Stance is important too, prone will make you less visible, standing more visible. enemy colors show how good you can be seen at each stance (green = you can't be seen even standing, yellow = you can crouch, orange = you need to be prone, red = got ya).
-姿势也很重要, 卧倒时更难被发现, 站着躲敌人就是欠揍. 敌人的颜色表明你在各个姿势下被发现的几率(绿色=就算站着也看不见, 黄色=至少要蹲下不会被看见, 橙色=趴下才能不被看见, 红色=你走光了)

- Stealth does the same as camo but is stance independant and effective only when it's dark (but still helps to a very small amount at day).
-潜行跟迷彩一样对掩蔽有效, 但不分姿势, 而且在夜间最有效(白天只帮助一小部分)

- Movement will now give you a flat penalty, the more you move the more visible you are (moving near enemy sight range limits is very dangerous). Movement speed does currently not influence this, running 10 meters or crawling 10 meters is a like. Darkness will negate the effect.
-移动会给你一个固定的惩罚, 动的越多就越可见(在敌人视线范围内蹭是很危险的)
移动速度目前还没分别, 跑10米和爬10米是一样的. 黑暗会免去这个惩罚.

- The "F" key will show your cover on the spot you are pointing next to the brightness. the cover value is the percentage of sight distance that's removed because of your properties (stealth, stance, camo, movement).
- 按F键会在"明暗度"旁边显示出鼠标所在位置的掩蔽值. 掩蔽值百分比是根据你现有的属性(潜行, 姿势, 迷彩, 移动)将会对视觉范围的削弱程度.

- The vegetation coverage is based on the density and fill of the vegetation. Tree's and dense bushes cover good whereas transparent small bushes will only help at long distances.
- 植物对掩蔽的帮助要取决于体积和有多密集. 树和浓密的灌木会掩蔽得很好, 相反透明的小灌木只在远距离有帮助.

- You don't get a bonus beeing behind vegatation if you have camo. I don't think this would make sense to give you camo for stuff you are behind but not for stuff that is behind you. This is more a change than a feature. But now trees hide you much more anyway (you don't require the old stuff).
-如果你有迷彩, 站在植物后面将不会得到额外的迷彩奖励. 因为作者认为既然你站在树前面也不会得到奖励, 站后面也不应该. 与其说是功能, 这条更象是改动. 反正有个树挡着,你的隐蔽植就高多了(不需要以前那些)

下面这段涉及编程, 俺不懂, 翻错了请指正.
Features for coders:
- Modular build (every type = one function) and single point functions (get all changes in one) allows you to use, modify and add to the new cover system directly and easily.
-模组化(每个type=一个function)和单点function(所有改进集中一体).允许你轻松的使用, 修改和添加到新掩蔽显示系统.

- Made everything adhere to ja coding standards as I have seen them in the code.
- Deleted unnecessary code, and every code that repeated (manually copied several times) was put in either a function or loops. (not sure if my changes add or delete more code because of this)
-删除了没用的代码, 每个重复出现的代码(手动复制好几次的)统统放进function或者loop (不太确认我的这一修改有没有加入或者删除更多的代码)
- Written some comments for my stuff (in doxygen style which isn't supported in VSE08 it seems).
-写了一些注释(doxygen格式, 好像VSE08不支持)
Features for modders:
- Stealth influences the sight range of the enemy at night
- All ground values (stealth etc) should be able to have a negative value for my stuff (don't know if it's allowed elsewere, may crash your game ;)), lamps will make you more visible at night, so make the stealth value of a tactical lamp -30% (for example) (yes bad, a lamp lets you see where you are going, meaning you should make less noise, but noise is dependant on your stealth too.. oh well)
-我的东西里所有基础值?(比如潜行)都应该可以有负值(不晓得别的地方是不是支持它, 也许会让你的游戏跳出:) ), 比如: 灯光会让你在夜间更可见, 所以战术手电的潜行值是负30%(以下是作者的废话, 不做翻译了)

- Sorry, no snow camouflage support yet!
-抱歉, 还不支持雪地迷彩.
- Some basic variables are externalized so you can adjust the effectiveness of the new cover system. (needed so you can play wildfire maps)
-一些基本的变量外置了, 可以让你修改新隐蔽系统的各项有效程度.(如果你想玩野火地图这是必要的)
- Localization available for English and German

Negative stuff / Important Todos:
- Destroyed the original cover display (sorry were to lazy to make my own, have just overwritten it)
-毁了原先的隐蔽显示(抱歉, 懒得自己做, 就覆盖了原先的)

- Implement the LBE cover adjustment.
- Adjust default settings for better balance to vanilla cover.
-调整了默认设定, 让原JA2的隐蔽系统更平衡.

New Options
; 0-100, how much each trait level counts in addition to you normal stealth points via clothing
; 0-100, 每级潜行技能(普通和专家)在你穿衣服的潜行奖励之上额外加多少点潜行点数.

; all of the following effectiveness' allow you to specify the maximum amount of sight reduction (in %) possible in that category
; 以下所有的有效程度允许你指定该栏目对视觉效果的削弱(以百分比形式)的最大值

; the sight adjustments ask you if you want to consider these to be included into the cover system, TRUE/FALSE
只否将这些视觉调整效果加入隐蔽系统 true/false

; do you want to receive a penalty if you move (making you more visible), same rules apply for enemy soldiers`(helps campers)

是否受到移动惩罚(让你更可见), 同样对敌人有效(对蹲坑阴人的有帮助)

; should the stance reduce or add to the visibility? (note: camouflage always take stance into account by itself)
姿势是否减少或增加能见度? (记: 迷彩涂装的效果本身就会根据姿势而变化)

; doesn't work right now anyway

Future features I like to see but probably will never be implemented (by me or someone else):
作者想看到的未来的特色(也许永远也不会加进来), 懒得翻译了, 自己看吧.

document everything so simple gamers can understand their cover value

- either through additions of display information (tell them how much cover what gives..)
- either by giving them good guides of the algorithm used
- last thing probably will require to simplify the current algorithmes used, otherwise only people who can code will understand the stuff (then we wouldn't have to write guides in the first place!)
- externalize algortihmes used altogether, based on lua

add an externalized texture id to camouflage associative xml document.
- that way modders could add snow textures for their mod!! (currently not possible since it's hard coded what texture id is what type of texture and each type of texture is associated to one camo type)
- and we could finally make brown ground only help desert camo and green ground only jungle/wood camo

make the camo percentage view better
- only show camo percentage of highest camo at display
- make a tooltip displaying the camo of each type

make a second interrupt just before the enemy would see you (tile says red, but aware is false)
- so trying to stay in cover is much more rewarding, as you can stay in cover. (if you have a green tile next to you, you should be able to jump on it)
- that would be awsome, but that would require some heavy AI work I guess
- ( the main idea i have here is that I should be able to go around a tree while the enemy runs near the tree but still out of range to see behind the tree )

let wisdom influence sight range.
- i've though about it but i don't know what it would do to enemy soldiers. meaning the balance could be totally off. for mercs however it could be easily understood. (<50 wisdom = sight reduction, >50 wisdom sight increase)

make the stuff you are wearing influence the ability of the enemy to see you.
- what? isn't that camo? no this time I dont mean colors, but I mean volumn.
- backpacks should make you more visible ALOT
- small backpack still makes you more visible.
- ammo and stuff is too small (and will prob. be hidden inside pockets which have camo)
- but new pockets could make it worse only a bit, like on your legs.
- probably we would make this dependant on camo of the stuff you are wearing too..
- the last thing would work good if modders would be able to use negative camo/stealth values

GetSightReductionCamouflageInFrontOfStructure and GetSightReductionCamouflageBehindOfStructure
- real 3D feeling, camo is worse currently when you are standing.
- but if you are standing in front of a building (as seen from the enemy) and you have urban camo.. that should give you the same camo effect you already get
- same goes for trees, which could also be in front of you (and still give you a bonus)

Being able to peek around corners
- make it so that items can tell you where you wanna peak (from and to). (use the SoldierToVirtualSoldier line of sight functions)
- can we display the enemy even if no direct contact to merc? check it out, maybe the function is simple to write (implementation with item still difficult)


Cover system is now included into the main SVN branch. Changes to will still be made available here.

Only old or boring ones, so don't look at it right now. *old* *no auto-refreshing and looks boring*

Features for gamers:
- Cover display shows now the enemy sight range, with sight adjustment based on how good your cover is!

Every type of the following sight range reductions stack!
- Camouflage is a flat but context sensitive change to sight range. the more camo the less sight range for the enemy. Based on your characters camouflage, the terrain and the characters stance (standing make you camo useless)
(in video: you see the enemy seeing our character less good on grass)
- Stance is important too, prone will make you less visible, standing more visible. enemy colors show how good you can be seen at each stance (green = you can't be seen even standing, yellow = you can crouch, orange = you need to be prone, red = got ya).
- Stealth does the same as camo but is stance independant and effective only when it's dark (but still helps to a very small amount at day).
- Movement will now give you a flat penalty, the more you move the more visible you are (moving near enemy sight range limits is very dangerous). Movement speed does currently not influence this, running 10 meters or crawling 10 meters is a like. Darkness will negate the effect.

- The "F" key will show your cover on the spot you are pointing next to the brightness. the cover value is the percentage of sight distance that's removed because of your properties (stealth, stance, camo, movement).
- The vegetation coverage is based on the density and fill of the vegetation. Tree's and dense bushes cover good whereas transparent small bushes will only help at long distances.

- You don't get a bonus beeing behind vegatation if you have camo. I don't think this would make sense to give you camo for stuff you are behind but not for stuff that is behind you. This is more a change than a feature. But now trees hide you much more anyway (you don't require the old stuff).

Features for coders:
- Modular build (every type = one function) and single point functions (get all changes in one) allows you to use, modify and add to the new cover system directly and easily.
- Made everything adhere to ja coding standards as I have seen them in the code.
- Deleted unnecessary code, and every code that repeated (manually copied several times) was put in either a function or loops. (not sure if my changes add or delete more code because of this)
- Written some comments for my stuff (in doxygen style which isn't supported in VSE08 it seems).

Features for modders:
- Stealth influences the sight range of the enemy at night
- All ground values (stealth etc) should be able to have a negative value for my stuff (don't know if it's allowed elsewere, may crash your game ;)), lamps will make you more visible at night, so make the stealth value of a tactical lamp -30% (for example) (yes bad, a lamp lets you see where you are going, meaning you should make less noise, but noise is dependant on your stealth too.. oh well)
- Sorry, no snow camouflage support yet!
- Some basic variables are externalized so you can adjust the effectiveness of the new cover system. (needed so you can play wildfire maps)
- Localization available for English and German

Negative stuff / Important Todos:
- Destroyed the original cover display (sorry were to lazy to make my own, have just overwritten it)
- Implement the LBE cover adjustment.
- Adjust default settings for better balance to vanilla cover.

New Options
; 0-100, how much each trait level counts in addition to you normal stealth points via clothing

; all of the following effectiveness' allow you to specify the maximum amount of sight reduction (in %) possible in that category

; the sight adjustments ask you if you want to consider these to be included into the cover system, TRUE/FALSE
; do you want to receive a penalty if you move (making you more visible), same rules apply for enemy soldiers`(helps campers)
; should the stance reduce or add to the visibility? (note: camouflage always take stance into account by itself)
; doesn't work right now anyway

Future features I like to see but probably will never be implemented (by me or someone else):

document everything so simple gamers can understand their cover value
- either through additions of display information (tell them how much cover what gives..)
- either by giving them good guides of the algorithm used
- last thing probably will require to simplify the current algorithmes used, otherwise only people who can code will understand the stuff (then we wouldn't have to write guides in the first place!)
- externalize algortihmes used altogether, based on lua

add an externalized texture id to camouflage associative xml document.
- that way modders could add snow textures for their mod!! (currently not possible since it's hard coded what texture id is what type of texture and each type of texture is associated to one camo type)
- and we could finally make brown ground only help desert camo and green ground only jungle/wood camo

make the camo percentage view better
- only show camo percentage of highest camo at display
- make a tooltip displaying the camo of each type

make a second interrupt just before the enemy would see you (tile says red, but aware is false)
- so trying to stay in cover is much more rewarding, as you can stay in cover. (if you have a green tile next to you, you should be able to jump on it)
- that would be awsome, but that would require some heavy AI work I guess
- ( the main idea i have here is that I should be able to go around a tree while the enemy runs near the tree but still out of range to see behind the tree )

let wisdom influence sight range.
- i've though about it but i don't know what it would do to enemy soldiers. meaning the balance could be totally off. for mercs however it could be easily understood. (<50 wisdom = sight reduction, >50 wisdom sight increase)

make the stuff you are wearing influence the ability of the enemy to see you.
- what? isn't that camo? no this time I dont mean colors, but I mean volumn.
- backpacks should make you more visible ALOT
- small backpack still makes you more visible.
- ammo and stuff is too small (and will prob. be hidden inside pockets which have camo)
- but new pockets could make it worse only a bit, like on your legs.
- probably we would make this dependant on camo of the stuff you are wearing too..
- the last thing would work good if modders would be able to use negative camo/stealth values

GetSightReductionCamouflageInFrontOfStructure and GetSightReductionCamouflageBehindOfStructure
- real 3D feeling, camo is worse currently when you are standing.
- but if you are standing in front of a building (as seen from the enemy) and you have urban camo.. that should give you the same camo effect you already get
- same goes for trees, which could also be in front of you (and still give you a bonus)

Being able to peek around corners
- make it so that items can tell you where you wanna peak (from and to). (use the SoldierToVirtualSoldier line of sight functions)
- can we display the enemy even if no direct contact to merc? check it out, maybe the function is simple to write (implementation with item still difficult)

铁友们 Happy 去吧!


“New Cover Display System (新的隐蔽显示系统)中文说明”有21条评论

  1. 万戈 says:


    1. A.shun says:


      1. zwwooooo says:

        我也再同上! :mrgreen:

    2. happyet says:

      万戈和木木同学 你们两个到处都是啊,哪里都能碰的到。。。。 :wink:

      1. zwwooooo says:


    3. zwwooooo says:

      漂好~天气开始转凉了,注意多填件衣服! :mrgreen:

  2. 林木木 says:

    同上! :mrgreen:

    1. A.shun says:

      二腿也要了 :oops:

      1. zwwooooo says:

        你干脆直接上三腿 :mrgreen:

  3. waitwho says:

    so,what's meaning ^^……

    1. zwwooooo says:

      当you like这个game后you才know! :mrgreen:

  4. Derek says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


  5. 1菠萝 says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


  6. 都是铁友?

    1. zwwooooo says:


  7. mustang_er says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


  8. zhangning says:


    1. zwwooooo says:


回复给 zwwooooo ¬

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